Hi Thomas,

Thanks for pointing out the related source code! Looking at ML function
Induct_on() and induct_on_type(), it's quite clear what they do exactly.

From the way Induct_on() generating tactics (MAP_FIRST HO_MATCH_MP_TAC
indth ORELSE induct_on_type st ty), I can see that, if the
"rule_induction_map" didn't contain the desired theorem, the function
induct_on_type() will be called next, and if it also fails (which is
most of the case), the final error message will only mention TypeBase,
and this is why I thought the relation induction theorems were also
stored in TypeBase :) Now by looking at all items in the TypeBase using
the way you taught, I see only things defined by HOL Define() for data

Next time I should try to read the source code before raising a question
here :)



Thomas Tuerk wrote:
> Hi Chun,
> TypeBase stores information about algebraic datatypes. So, you won't
> find information for your inductive relations or recursive functions
> in there. Use
> TypeBasePure.listItems (TypeBase.theTypeBase())
> to get an idea what types are currently in the TypeBase. I found the
> reference to "Induct_on" in the description in section 5.6.1 on page
> 187. I was not aware of this feature. I looked up how it is
> implemented. In "src/basicProof/BasicProvers.sml" line 259 you can see
> that the TypeBase is not used. Instead, "src/IndDef/IndDefLib.sig"
> defines a map "rule_induction_map" that contains these induction theorems.
> If you want to get your hands on the strong induction theorem, I would
> use DB.fetch, i.e.
> DB.fetch "-" "R_strongind"
> Cheers
> Thomas
> On 18.01.2017 14:34, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
>> Sorry, one more question here: how to fetch from TypeBase the
>> induction theorems generated by relation?
>> I recall in The HOL System DESCRIPTION, section 5.6.1 (Proofs with
>> Inductive Relations), it says that we can use (Induct_on `R`) or
>> (Induct_on `R x y`) to do inductions on relation R, and internally it
>> actually calls (HO_MATCH_MP_TAC R_strongind).  And the information is
>> taken from TypeBase (I can't find a exact reference for this, but
>> sometimes when I failed to call Induct_on, it said there's no such
>> types in TypeBase).
>> Still using my above example, if I try the type of my relation subF,
>> I got nothing, and errors:
>> > TypeBase.fetch ``:'a form -> 'a form -> bool``;
>> val it = NONE: tyinfo option
>> > TypeBase.induction_of ``:'a form -> 'a form -> bool``;
>> Exception-
>>    HOL_ERR
>>      {message = "unable to find \"min$fun\" in the TypeBase",
>>       origin_function = "induction_of", origin_structure =
>> "TypeBase"} raised
>> On 18 January 2017 at 13:55, Thomas Tuerk <tho...@tuerk-brechen.de
>> <mailto:tho...@tuerk-brechen.de>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     glad I could be of help.
>>     I forgot to mention TypeBase. This is where such theorems about a
>>     type are collected. It is used by tools like the case or induct
>>     tactics. So, some other nice way of getting such theorems is
>>     TypeBase.fetch ``:'a form``
>>     or specialized ones via
>>     TypeBase.distinct_of ``:'a form``
>>     TypeBase.one_one_of ``:'a form``
>>     ...
>>     Best
>>     Thomas
>>     On 18.01.2017 13:22, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
>>>     Hi Thomas,
>>>     Oh my god ... I've learnt so much from each line of your reply.
>>>     Thank you so much!
>>>     Best regards,
>>>     Chun
>>>     On 18 January 2017 at 12:53, Thomas Tuerk
>>>     <tho...@tuerk-brechen.de> wrote:
>>>         Hi Chun,
>>>         you are on the right way with the cases theorem. Essentially
>>>         you need to rewrite once with it. Then you end up with
>>>         ∀A a.(atom a = A) ∨ (∃B C. (atom a = dot B C) ∧ subF A B) ⇒
>>>         (A = atom a)
>>>         Now you need to use the fact that "atom _ = dot B C" does
>>>         not hold. This distinctiveness is proved by the datatype
>>>         package, just not returned directly. It is stored in the
>>>         theory. You can fetch it via
>>>         fetch "-" "form_distinct"
>>>         The injectivity of constructors you asked for you get via
>>>         fetch "-" "form_11"
>>>         Just search for "form" and you get interesting stuff
>>>         DB.print_find "form"
>>>         So your proof might look like
>>>         -----------------------------------------
>>>         val form_distinct = DB.fetch "-" "form_distinct"
>>>         val myTHM = prove(``!A (a:'a). subF A (atom a) ==> (A = atom
>>>         a)``,
>>>         ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [subF_cases] THEN
>>>         SIMP_TAC std_ss [form_distinct])
>>>         ---------------------------------------
>>>         There are other ways of accessing the generated theorems,
>>>         though. Most commonly used, but sometimes doing also extra
>>>         unwanted stuff is the stateful simpset. So something like
>>>         SIMP_TAC (srw_ss ()) []
>>>         does work as well.
>>>         I personally prefer the DatatypeSimps to keep tight control
>>>         over what rewrites I use. This is a highly controversial
>>>         personal taste though.
>>>         So, I either use the version above or
>>>         val form_ss = DatatypeSimps.type_rewrites_ss [``:'a form``]
>>>         val myTHM = prove(``!A (a:'a). subF A (atom a) ==> (A = atom
>>>         a)``,
>>>         ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [subF_cases] THEN
>>>         SIMP_TAC (std_ss++form_ss) [])
>>>         I hope this helps
>>>         Thomas
>>>         On 18.01.2017 11:58, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:
>>>>         Hi,
>>>>         Sorry for disturbing again, but I met new difficulties when
>>>>         proving theorems about relations.
>>>>         Suppose I have the following simple recursive datatype and
>>>>         a "sub formula" relation about it:
>>>>         val _ = Datatype `form = atom 'a | dot form form`;
>>>>         val (subF_rules, subF_ind, subF_cases) = Hol_reln
>>>>            `(!(A:'a form). subF A A) /\
>>>>             (!(A:'a form) B C. subF A B ==> subF A (dot B C)) `;
>>>>         Now I need to prove this goal: `!A a. subF A (atom a) ==>
>>>>         (A = atom a)`.
>>>>         I have successfully proved some theorems about relations
>>>>         defined by Hol_reln, but this one brings some difficulties
>>>>         that I never met before.
>>>>         The main problem is, "atom" never appears in the definition
>>>>         of Hol_reln, thus I don't have any theorem talking about it.
>>>>         But I recall the fact that, an inductive relation defines
>>>>         the *least* relation satisfying the rules, thus anything
>>>>         undefined is by default false.  I believe this fact has
>>>>         been correctly captured by (and only by) subF_cases
>>>>         generated from above Hol_reln definition:
>>>>         val subF_cases =
>>>>            |- ∀a0 a1. subF a0 a1 ⇔ (a1 = a0) ∨ ∃B C. (a1 = dot B C)
>>>>         ∧ subF a0 B:
>>>>            thm
>>>>         If I do cases analysis on `A`, I got a seeming good start
>>>>         point:
>>>>         > e (Cases_on `A:'a form`);
>>>>         OK..
>>>>         2 subgoals:
>>>>         val it =
>>>>         ∀a. subF (dot f f0) (atom a) ⇒ (dot f f0 = atom a)
>>>>         ∀a'. subF (atom a) (atom a') ⇒ (atom a = atom a')
>>>>         2 subgoals
>>>>         : proof
>>>>         But I still don't know how to prove any of these sub-goals.
>>>>         I have no useful theorems for rewrite or anything else. 
>>>>         The relation rules only tells me that, forall A, (subFor A
>>>>         A) is true, but it didn't say anything about the other
>>>>         direction: (subF A B) => A = B (if A and B are both shapes
>>>>         like (atom ...)
>>>>         Also, I even don't know how to prove this fundamental truth
>>>>         about datatypes: ``(atom A) = (atom B) ==> A = B``, again,
>>>>         I have no theorems to use ... because the Datatype
>>>>         definition didn't return anything that I can (directly) use
>>>>         inside a store_thm().
>>>>         On the other side, Coq proves the same theorem quite simply:
>>>>         Lemma subAt :
>>>>          forall (Atoms : Set) (A : Form Atoms) (at_ : Atoms),
>>>>          subFormula A (At at_) -> A = At at_.
>>>>          intros Atoms A at_ H.
>>>>          inversion H.
>>>>          reflexivity.
>>>>         Qed.
>>>>         Need help ...
>>>>         Regards,
>>>>         Chun Tian (binghe)
>>>>         University of Bologna (Italy)

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