
Suppose I have a list (or recursive structure defined by Datatype) in which 
there’re some special elements marked as “variables”, e.g. ``var X``, ``var 
Y``, …  and I have a substitution function which correctly replaces a variable 
into another closed term (i.e. term without variables), and an extended version 
of this function can do repeated variable substitutions on a list of variables 
and their corresponding substitutions.  E.g. ``SUBST E Ps Xs`` will do 
substitutions in list of strings E, finding each appearance of variable in Xs 
and replace with the corresponding one in Ps. The type of SUBST should be 
something like ``:string list -> string list -> string list -> string list``.

I can imagine that, for whatever permutations of Xs (or the order of 
variables), with Ps also changed in the same order,  the resulting term ``SUBST 
Es Ps Xs`` must be unique. (if Ps also contains variables, the resulting term 
may not be unique any more.)

How can expression this property (e.g. in listTheory)? What’s the name of this 
phenomena? and what’s the idea in its proof?


Chun Tian

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