Hi Chun Tian,

  There are all kinds of issues with substitutions and applying them to
structures. I would probably start by choosing finite maps
(finite_mapTheory) as
the representation for variable substitutions since they get rid of most if
not all
the issues with ordering of replacements. The alistTheory provides a more
computationally friendly version, and provides a formal connection back to

 Also see


for a unification case study.


On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Chun Tian <binghe.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Suppose I have a list (or recursive structure defined by Datatype) in
> which there’re some special elements marked as “variables”, e.g. ``var X``,
> ``var Y``, …  and I have a substitution function which correctly replaces a
> variable into another closed term (i.e. term without variables), and an
> extended version of this function can do repeated variable substitutions on
> a list of variables and their corresponding substitutions.  E.g. ``SUBST E
> Ps Xs`` will do substitutions in list of strings E, finding each appearance
> of variable in Xs and replace with the corresponding one in Ps. The type of
> SUBST should be something like ``:string list -> string list -> string list
> -> string list``.
> I can imagine that, for whatever permutations of Xs (or the order of
> variables), with Ps also changed in the same order,  the resulting term
> ``SUBST Es Ps Xs`` must be unique. (if Ps also contains variables, the
> resulting term may not be unique any more.)
> How can expression this property (e.g. in listTheory)? What’s the name of
> this phenomena? and what’s the idea in its proof?
> Regards,
> Chun Tian
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