
Lately, I've been exploring the HOL4 lazy list theory "llistTheory", which
is developed based on the co-algebraic datatype. I understand that the
datatype *'a llist  *is derived as a subset of  the option type *:num -> 'a
option. * Now, I want to define a new datatype based on datatype 'a llist.
For instance,

P of  'a llist

such that *P: 'a llist -> 'a stream*, where *'a stream* is essentially the
similar datatype as *'a llist*  but having different properties. In shallow
embedding, I can define it by using filter function of llistTheory as:

val Stream = Define `Stream L =  LFILTER (\n:'a. T) L`;

One way of defining the co-inductive datatype *stream* is to follow the
same procedure as described in "llistTheory", which is quite cumbersome. Is
there any alternate way similar to that of package "Hol_datatype"?

Secondly, Is it possible to define a co-inductive datatype that takes a set
type (:'a -> bool) and maps it to a set of type (:'a llist -> bool)? A
similar function, in shallow embedding, I can think of is:

val streams_def = Define
`streams A = IMAGE (\a. Stream a) {llist_abs x | x IN A} `;

where the function streams is of type (:num -> 'a option) ->bool -> 'a
llist-> bool

In some cases, the function *streams* doesn't suffice for modeling the
correct behavior of streams related properties..

Any suggestion or thoughts would be highly helpful...

Waqar Ahmad, Ph.D.
Post Doc at Hardware Verification Group (HVG)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Concordia University, QC, Canada
Web: http://save.seecs.nust.edu.pk/waqar-ahmad/
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