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Some DEADLINES of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020) are APPROACHING.

Please find below the overall Call for Papers, but particularly consider these deadlines:

+ WORKSHOP Proposal submission will close by October 30, 2019
+ ECAI2020 Abstract submission will close by November 15, 2019
+ PAIS Abstract submission will close by November 21, 2019

ECAI 2020 will take place in Santiago de Compostela from June 8 to 12, 2020. For additional information visit www.ecai2020.eu.


The biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is Europe's premier venue for presenting scientific results in AI. Under the general theme "Paving the way towards Human-Centric AI", the 24th edition of ECAI will be held in Santiago de Compostela, a UNESCO's World Heritage City which is the destination of unique Routes that cross all Europe since the Middle Ages. The conference dates are 10-12 June 2020, with the workshops taking place on 8-9 June. Save these dates!

The Program Committee of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020) invites the submission of papers for the technical programme of the Conference. High-quality original submissions are welcome from research results and applications of all areas of AI. The following list of topics is indicative; other topics are welcome.

- Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems (MAS)
- Computational Intelligence (CI)
- Constraints and Satisfiability (CS)
- Games and Virtual Environments (GAME)
- Heuristic Search (HEU)
- Human Aspects in AI (HAI)
- Information Retrieval and Filtering (IRF)
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR)
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications (MULT)
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Planning and Scheduling (PLAN)
- Robotics (ROB)
- Safe, Explainable, and Trustworthy AI (XAI)
- Semantic Technologies (SEM)
- Uncertainty in AI (UAI)
- Vision (VIS)

The Call for Papers is available at http://ecai2020.eu/call-for-papers/mainconference/


In addition to its full programme of technical papers, ECAI2020 will feature many AI-related events for researchers, students and all attendants who are interested on contemporary AI. Separate calls have been issued for:

- Workshop proposals, CFP available at http://ecai2020.eu/call-for-papers/workshops/ - Tutorial proposals, CFP available at http://ecai2020.eu/call-for-papers/tutorials/ - PAIS 2020, the Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems conference, CFP available at http://ecai2020.eu/call-for-papers/pais/ - STAIRS 2020, the Starting AI Researcher Symposium, CFP available at http://ecai2020.eu/call-for-papers/stairs/

In addition, other AI-related events will be announced, specially addressing the role of AI in Europe (and vice-versa) with special focus on the Conference general theme. Among these, The Frontiers in AI track sessions, the Lab To Market event, the Women in AI Breakfast and the EU Challenges forum.

Futhermore, ECAI2020 will have a special focus on Starting Researchers, who will be able to participate in an specific program including the Doctoral Consortium, the Three Minutes Thesis Competition, the Lunch with an EurAI Fellow and the Job Fair.


ECAI2020 Abstract submission: November 15, 2019
ECAI2020 Paper submission: November 19, 2019
ECAI2020 Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 15, 2020

WORKSHOP Proposal submission: October 30, 2019
WORKSHOP Proposal notification: November 28, 2019

TUTORIAL Proposal Submission: February 20, 2020
TUTORIAL Acceptance Notification: March 20, 2020

PAIS Abstract submission: November 21, 2019
PAIS Paper submission: November 26, 2019
PAIS Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 20, 2020


The Conference is hosted by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) and the Spanish AI Society (AEPIA). ECAI 2020 is organized by the Intelligent Systems Group (GSI) and the Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS), University of Santiago de Compostela.


ECAI 2020 is coordinating with AAMAS 2020 and ICAPS 2020 to exploit synergies. Details will be announced very soon at the Website.


Updates will be regularly published at the Conference Website: www.ecai2020.eu
Follow us in Twitter @ECAI2020

Luis Magdalena
ECAI2020 Publicity Chair

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