> I just want to point out that the goalposts have shifted
> slightly. The material pointed to by Michael shows that a fair
> bit of basic abstract algebra can be cleanly done in HOL's type
> theory, which I gather was the original point in question.
> re: Ken's questions.
> 1. The carrier is expressed as a predicate on a polymorphic type,
>    so it is indeed a term. Moreover, the UNIV operator can be
>    used to get the set of elements of a type. So I am not really
>    seeing this as an impediment, at least for the simple examples
>    being discussed.
> 2. Yes, there is no quantification of type variables in the HOL
>    logic. This has been discussed at length in earlier postings
>    on this list. Extensions of HOL with type quantification have
>    been proposed by Melham and, later, by Homeier. These have
>    been implemented and applied to interesting examples, but
>    HOL4 hasn't moved to type quantification yet.
> Konrad.

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