On Aug 3, 2011, at 14:02 , Wouter Cloetens wrote:
> My take on firewalls is that devices, or more precisely software installed on 
> devices, must request for services to be opened.

My take on home gateway firewalls, not surprisingly, is documented in RFC 6092, 
which is referenced specifically in the HOMENET working group charter.

The short summary of my position on this question is that unmanaged firewalls, 
as the ones in many home gateways necessarily will be, MUST NOT be deployed 
routinely in a way that makes it impractical to implement more managed 
end-to-end network security protocols.  I really feel quite strongly about 
that, and if necessary I will put on the asbestos suit and reprise my role in 
the IETF flame wars that led to the drafting of the rather nuanced language we 
finally achieved in RFC 6092.

james woodyatt <j...@apple.com>
member of technical staff, core os networking

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