On Sep 21, 2011, at 2:27 PM, Tim Chown wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been working with Jari, Jason and Ole to produce a new version of the 
> homenet architecture draft. Mark, who produced the first version with Jari, 
> is now of course WG chair and has stepped down as editor of the text.
> The structure of the draft remains similar. We have expanded section 2 on 
> IPv6 implications for home networking, added a couple of extra models in 
> section 3, expanded the principle section and also added a considerations 
> section where we discuss certain topics that may (or may not) be deemed in 
> scope for the text.
> Feedback is of course welcome, indeed required!
> I don't know whether Mark and Ray will call for WG adoption at this stage.

We would like to get plenty of review and comment. 

> The charter targets a WG draft by the end of September, but this is also a 
> document that I hope will have some additional revisions from your feedback 
> before the interim meeting. 

Let's at least get one rev out before the end of the month based on feedback, 
and we'll decide then whether we should keep it draft-chown--01 or shoot for 


- Mark

> There are some acknowledgements to be added; these will be included in the 
> next version.
> Tim
> On 21 Sep 2011, at 12:37, internet-dra...@ietf.org wrote:
>> A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts 
>> directories.
>>      Title           : Home Networking Architecture for IPv6
>>      Author(s)       : Jari Arkko
>>                         Tim Chown
>>                         Jason Weil
>>                         Ole Troan
>>      Filename        : draft-chown-homenet-arch-00.txt
>>      Pages           : 20
>>      Date            : 2011-09-21
>>  This text describes the evolving networking technology within small
>>  "residential home" networks.  The goal of this memo is to define 
>> the
>>  architecture for IPv6-based home networking.  The text highlights the
>>  impact of IPv6 on home networking, and illustrates some topology
>>  scenarios.  The architecture shows how standard IPv6 mechanisms and
>>  addressing can be employed in home networking, lists a number of
>>  principles that should apply, and outlines the need for specific
>>  protocol extensions for certain additional functionality.
>> A URL for this Internet-Draft is:
>> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-chown-homenet-arch-00.txt
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