>>>>> "Ole" == Ole Troan <o...@cisco.com> writes:
    >> Is there some reason that the flooding mechanism can't distribute
    >> the list of edge CPE routers, and then DHCPv6 can be used in
    >> unicast request/reply to ask those CPE routers for things.
    >> (I would even wonder if the CPE routers shouldn't be identified
    >> by their ULA rather than self-identifying by the address in the
    >> subnet the deal with)
    >> This is how I imagined the DHCPv6 PD mechanism working before
    >> draft-chakrabarti-homenet-prefix-alloc-01 was written, which
    >> imagined a strict hierarchal tree.

    Ole> that's how I imagined also.  DHCP PD on the edges. flooding
    Ole> protocol between all the internal routers. then hosts use
    Ole> RA/DHCP for addresses / other configurations to their onlink
    Ole> routers.

so, does this mean we have to write another draft to explain it?

]       He who is tired of Weird Al is tired of life!           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] m...@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/ |device driver[
   Kyoto Plus: watch the video <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzx1ycLXQSE>
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