>>>>> "james" == james woodyatt <j...@apple.com> writes:
    >> okay, so here I think that I disagree.  Is that name valid in the 

    james> I could accept a standard that required every reverse mapped
    james> name to be resolvable in the forward over unicast DNS, but I
    james> would say that's a separable problem from the one I'm
    james> suggesting could be taken up now.  One step at a time... 


    james> -----
    james> Perhaps my choice of "local." as the default zone for RFC
    james> 6106 ULA prefix addresses is unwise as it could be confusing
    james> in the presence of mDNS on the same segment as the unicast
    james> DNS service. 

    james> Suppose a host named "zardoz" is attached to the link at several 
interface addresses:

    james> fd35:5a4b:92a9:fb::1001
    james> 2001:5a8:4:2290::1001
    james> 2001:5a8:4:2290:a95f:dd2e:3201:eafc
    james> fe80::0200:ff:fe00:1

    james> All those addresses will be reverse mapped over mDNS to
    james> "zardoz.local." under every implementation that I know about
    james> today.  Which makes sense if you think about it.  Every mDNS
    james> responder host is responsible for knowing its own name and
    james> answering to it. 

yes, I know... mDNS already has the info, which is why I suggest that
the info come from there.

    james> In the unicast DNS case, the content server probably does not
    james> know-- and arguably should not know-- the name of every host
    james> in the zone, so that's why it's wise to expect it will be
    james> synthesizing host names.  Whether the default zone for ULA
    james> reverse mapping names over unicast DNS is "local." or
    james> "homenet." or something else is only tangentially relevant
    james> here.  It's the same problem no matter what TLD we allocate
    james> for this purpose. 

so, you are suggesting that zardoz's reverse entries does not get
answered by unicast DNS unless I click on "zardoz" in my content
server's UI, and say, "export".

I'm suggesting that the "export" button should be in the UI of zardoz,
and be signaled via mDNS.

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works 

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