In message <>, james woodyatt wri
> On Aug 28, 2012, at 17:42 , Mark Andrews <> wrote:
> > 
> > Repeat until you have the entire 128 bits for all registered nodes in the /
> 48.
> You shouldn't expect to get the temporary addresses.  Only the persistent one
> s, and some nodes-- particularly the ones that host only clients and no servi
> ces-- should neither be listening at persistent addresses, nor advertising po
> inters to their persistent addresses in

This is debatable.  There are enough services that require a working reverse
for not registering to be a problem.  One can always register like this and
still maintain anonymity.

                <reverse-name> PTR <reverse-name>
                <reverse-name> AAAA <addresss>
> I'm not terribly exercised about the other kinds of nodes.  The problem of gl
> obally reachable servers being findable by iterating the reverse dom
> ain name system doesn't seem very pressing to me.  Sounds like a feature not 
> an error.

I don't think it is a error either.  Just a observation that one should be
aware of.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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