In message <>
Andrew Sullivan writes:
> On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 02:45:12PM +0100, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> > Thanks. Then it seems to me that a recommendation about the desirable 
> > behaviour
> > of getnameinfo() and getaddrinfo() needs to be made, consistent with the 
> > final
> > recommendation for mDNS vs DNS. At least we should describe a consistent
> > deployment scenario.
> But you can't _make_ such a recommendation, because different
> scenarios -- network-topologically indistinguishable from one another
> -- require very different conclusions.  
> This is exactly the same problem MIF faced with the DNS server
> selection logic.  You naturally want to use the DNS server that you
> believe is going to provide you with the right answers.  But when you
> move networks (say, into the coffeeshop which is using Stupid DNS
> Tricks to authenticate you as a customer first), you actually need the
> _least good_ answer sometimes, in order to move you from your
> expensive mobile radio onto your cheap wifi.
> The same problem crops up here.  Inside your house, mDNS is perhaps
> the right answer.  But for bookmarking on your laptop that you carry
> on the road but want to use with your home network then, it's exactly
> the wrong answer.  So this once again comes down to use cases, and
> trading userland functionality against complications that make the
> specification complex, and implementations tricky and therefore buggy.
> To moan just a little bit, this is why many of us think that the
> mutliple namespace approaches (seen in mDNS, llmnr, before those
> NetBIOS, and so on) are harmful.  Inevitably, these systems get hooked
> up to the wider Internet, and the inconsistencies thereby revealed
> make people confused.  (This isn't to say there is an obvious better
> answer, given the facts of the world about DNS name registration and
> resolution.)
> Best,
> A
> -- 
> Andrew Sullivan



I agree that multiple namespaces are harful, and multiple additional
namespaces of mDNS, llmnr, NetBIOS even more harmful.

So the question is what motivated these rather than use DNS.  For mDNS
and I think the others it was the absense of a need to provide and
pick a DHCP/dynDNS server and just multicast the identities, plus
simple service discovery (though admitedly confined to a single
subnet).  So lets solve this for DHCP/dynDNS.

I'll start with the simplest cases and move to more involved.

In the case where there is nothing but a computer and printer, either
the computer needs to volunteer to be DHCP server and dynDNS
nameserver or addresses and names don't exist.  With IPv4 and mDNS
and no DHCP server there are still no addresses (unless things default
to or similar).  With IPv6 there are ULA that can be used
and then its just a matter of naming.

If DNS is used in the above scenario, then something has to come up as
the DHCP/DNS server and do dynDNS, in this case just collecting the
name/ULA mapping.  If a router comes up and has a GUA prefix, there
needs to be a way for the computer to transfer control to the router.
With DHCP server preference set appropriately, with FORCERENEW and
Forcerenew Nonce Authentication, this is acheivable and reasonably

A multicast "I'm a DHCP server and just came up" would trigger
anything acting as a DHCP server to take notice.  For IPv6 this could
be sent to the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers multicast address.
AFAIK DHCP relays and servers and configured and there is no mechanism
available for servers to dynamically discover other DHCP servers and
coordinate as peers.

The above would require very little change to DHCP or DNS.  Other than
that it is just usage and therefore an Information RFC or BCP is all
that is needed.

The case where a router comes up but has no GUA prefix and sits on two
subnets also has to be handled.  In that case the router may have
priority over computers offering DHCP/dynDNS and the same can occur,
with the router providing names and routes to ULA on each subnet.
Again, no change to DHCP or DNS, just usage.

If more than one router comes up and none have a GUA prefix, then they
must make names available.  Collecting name/ULA mappings is the same
there is no means to coordinate the DNS namespace so that Router-A can
announce name/ULA mappings for devices connected only to Router-B.
Here an extension is needed.  One possibility is that each subnet
becomes a DNS zone and exactly one router connected to that subnet is
selected to do DHCP/dynDNS for that subnet.  The other routers must
discover each other and exchange names.

Reasonable default names is also an issue.  Two routers named
"linksys" doesn't help, just as two printers named "printer1" doesn't
help.  I'm not sure how (or if) mDNS solves the latter problem.  I
suspect it doesn't.  What might be needed is a means for a DHCP server
to assign a host name based on what the client sent with a digit (or
two if needed) appended to the conflicting name.  A similar technique
could be applied to routers coming up with the same name.

In past postings I have suggested that a router without a GUA prefix
snd a DHCP request as a client first and try to obtain a GUA prefix,
and absent of that try to negociate with other DHCP servers over what
address to use and how to divide up the sitelocal name space.

Another case is where a router comes up and has a GUA prefix or has
discovered one (service provider link came up, one got configured,
etc).  A lot of FORCERENEW exchanges would occur and hosts would get
GUA addresses.  Subdividing the GUA prefix would be based on number of
hosts reported per subnet and margins for growth to avoid additional
FORCERENEW as new hosts came up on an existing subnet.

Another case for address allocation is more than one router coming up
with different GUA prefixes.  Each would subdivide, and hosts could
now be offerred more than one address (if DHCP supported it) or a tie
breaker is need (shortest route, plus other tie breaker) to pick a
GUA.  The former is better so a change in route costs does not require

The last case for address allocation is more than one router with the
same GUA prefix.  One has to be picked to subdivide the GUA prefix.
Otherwise not much changes.

A second dimension is the root of the namespace.  If the initial root
is .sitelocal and a router comes up with (or somehow discovers) a DNS
domain for which it is authoritative (ie: primary), then FORCERENEW is
needed to change the domain name and likely also the DNS nameserver
list, though other routers could be granted secondary.  The dynamic
namespace can then be subdivided among subnets creating zones in the
DNS namespace rooted at "." rather than at ".sitelocal".

btw- Using DNSSEC with ".sitelocal" requires manual key exchange and
may not be practical.

If two (or more) routers come up with different namespaces rooted at
".", then the addresses space can be in both forward lookups.  If
there are also two (or more) GUA (highly likely) then the rDNS for the
GUA provided by each router can point to the zone provided by that
router if it is also authoritative for a GUA prefix.

The only other motivation for mDNS and friends is service discovery.
LL scope multicast work on a subnet.  Site local multicast is now
depricated but prior proposals for service discovery anycast have
suggested gradually increasing TTL on a globally scoped multicast.
The semantics here are different from mDNS and friends.  In mDNS a LL
multicast says "I am a <service>" where in anycast the host says "are
there any <service> out there" and can therefore find services off
subnet by increasing TTL until <service> is found.  (ie: printer).

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