Since you invited flames...

The argument on /64 as the longest prefix is not that it is magically unnatural. Rather, it is that there are a number of current and evolving protocols that depend upon that /64. The obvious example is that SLAAC does not work if subnets are longer than /64.

The rules in this regard are written into approved RFCs. If homenet wants to change that, it really needs to go to 6man with a strong case. (for point-to-point inter-router links this was recently relaxed.

At the same time, andy operator who insists on giving homes a /64 is being inappropriately restrictive. Homenet should say that, rather than trying to change the IPv6 architecture.


On 9/22/2012 11:30 PM, Curtis Villamizar wrote:
  12.  This is sure to be controversial.  I pointed out that using
       subnets longer than /64 is OK as long as they are not leaked
       into global routing.  Please read the text and changes before
       exploding on this topic.  It may be necessary to subnet a /64 if
       that is all a provider will give you and you need subnets.  It
       does work and it is no more unnatural than subnetting a class-A
       network would be in 1990.  It means using DHCPv6 and not using
       RA prefixes for GUA (otherwise SLAAC implementations would
       likely try to use the whole bottom 64).
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