On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:

> Sigh.
> Sigh all you like, but I share Dave's skepticism that ISP's renumbering my
> prefix willy-nilly and it just sort of works with naming -- including
> addresses squirrelled away in places they ought not be -- is going to work
> any time soon.

That's why we have ULAs and multiple prefixes.

I don't like to think that NAT is inevitable but frankly the people in this
> working group don't get to vote on that.

Actually they do. They have the freedom to specify alternatives, and
depending on how good a job they do, implementers may choose to use them.

> Speaking to the title of this thread: has anybody actually demonstrated
> such a thing end to end? It strikes me as Frankensteinian when you get all
> of the body parts bolted together.

What thing exactly? Multiprefix multihoming? End-to-end connectivity in
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