On 03/13/2013 11:55 PM, Mikael Abrahamsson wrote:

I know plenty people who do this (airplay), and I know others who would do this 
if they could get it working easily (they have one vendor TV and a different 
vendor smartphone which doesn't support a common protocol for the smartphone to 
tell the TV to start playing whatever was being watched on the smartphone). 
Apple Airplay works ok, but I only get it working between Apple devices. I'm 
sure there are other vendor specific protocols that do similar things.

Let's put this into a different perspective:

If service discovery and resulting address independence doesn't work, then it's 
going to be a pain to renumber. With SD, I imagine that changing addresses in 
the home (with PD etc) wouldn't impact the user experience in a fatal way, thus 
removing some of the need for ULAs (which I think is an ugly hack considering 
current state of RA handling in devices where it's all-or-nothing for putting a 
default route towards the RA announcing device).

Things should be addressed by DNS or alike, and they should have unique 
names/identifiers. Never should an IPv4 or IPv6 address be used. SD needs to 
just work, and it needs to work in a routed home, and preferrably it should 
work from the Internet as well.

Vision statement: I want to be able to use IPSEC to talk to everything in my 
home from whereever I am, and the authorisation to talk to my home devices 
should come from common key/cert management.

This nicely circles back to what I was originally asking for: requirements. The
problem with section 3.7.1 is that it immediately dives into a particular 
space without an iota of discussion of what we require the solution to actually
provide. I for one am not comfortable without those requirements to say that
a particular solution is right, especially when coupled with extraordinary 
that this is "common" when it is plainly not.

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