On Jul 15, 2014, at 5:46 PM, Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:

> On 07/15/2014 04:42 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
>> On Jul 15, 2014, at 5:12 PM, Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:
>>> I believe we are at least in the fortunate situation that nobody's tried 
>>> hard to do a naming
>>> provider land grab yet, so there may yet be time to do the right thing.
>> That's not the point.   If you look at most of the consumer-grade IoT 
>> devices that have been announced recently, they all keep the data on their 
>> portal and do not allow you to use the device without sending them your 
>> data, so chances are the device is going to just talk to their portal using 
>> a proprietary scheme and ignore what we want.   Which is fine; my point is 
>> not that they are evil, but just that the use case for this may not be quite 
>> as broad as we imagine.   I still think it's worth doing, and I hope that 
>> over time this stuff moves in the direction of more flexibility.   What we 
>> do in homenet can easily either make that easy or make it hard, so we should 
>> try to make it easy.
> Oh, ok. But this entire area is going to be pretty darn tricksey to get 
> right, and we can have some hope
> that after enough proprietary we-need-to-get-something-done from vendors, 
> they'll be somewhat relieved
> to have exactly One something that's standardized to support. I've seen this 
> many times at $routervendor,
> even when they have their own business model in mind. So we shouldn't be too 
> fatalistic... the game is still
> young on this account.

Dear Mike, 

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6281 offers a fair amount of detail about safely 
leveraging home networks.  Further examination of this scheme shows selective 
publications of devices in DNS and expects other services to be indirectly 
shared by these devices.  It makes extensive use of ULAs that offer a stable 
basis for publishing addresses in DNS.

http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6890 and homenet arch also references use of 
ULAs.  http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-homenet-arch-17#section-3.6.6

3.6.6.  ULAs as a hint of connection origin

The basic security related premise employed by mDNS can be confirmed by use of 
ULAs.  It is also conceivable anti-distribution protection schemes can be 
satisfied when ULAs have a common prefix.  There are also many home routers 
already able to combine GUA and ULAs.  Add L2TP and it seems we are done.

Douglas Otis

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