On 7/15/14, 12:43 PM, Ted Lemon wrote:
On Jul 15, 2014, at 3:38 PM, Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:
That pretty much means that you need a solution that isn't bolted to DHCP, 
Or at least, that DHCP is only providing a default discovery mechanism which my 
is completely free to ignore. Beyond the discovery, it ought to work 
identically regardless
of whether it's my first hop ISP(s), or 20 hops away in Nairobi, right?
The point is that what the ISP is offering may be ideal for some users, and not 
others.   And some ISPs may offer it, while others don't.   So if there's a 
standard mechanism in place for using it when it's offered, if desired, then 
that's a win, even if not everyone wins.

What happens with queries isn't important as long as they are satisfied; there 
are lots of ways of satisfying queries for AAAA records, but only two ways of 
satisfying queries for PTR records, and the ISP may support one or both of 
those two ways, or neither.   The point of the DNS-PD document is to provide a 
way for the ISP and CPE to communicate about which mechanisms are supported and 

What I'm trying to say is that DHCP as a way of advertising a service that will host my zone, or in some way make my homenet names globally available is OK, but it should just be about DISCOVERY and nothing else. All of the rest of the mechanisms between my CPE and some service that causes my names to be globally available ought to use standard mechanisms which are not
in any way tied to topology.

It's OK if discovery for non-ISP's remains an unsolved problem, let's just have one mechanism once
I know who I want to speak to.


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