Benoit Claise <> wrote:
    > Based on the previous UCAN BoF, we are considering having an ANIMA WG:
    > Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach
    > This is now a proposed charter, under consideration by the IESG.
    > This is your chance to provide feedback on


I have read the charter.
Thank you for trying to restrict it to something focused.
I think you have enough focus, but there still significant space for scope
creap.  Why not build this issue into the charter?

    Mar 2015 - recharter to refocus scope

[In reading it, I was reminded of the SNMP v2 security wars of 1995.  Can
we have enough security present in order to configure the system to have
security, was part of the underlying debate.  I think we can do it now.]

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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