On 08/10/2014 06:51, Michael Richardson wrote:
> Mark Townsley <m...@townsley.net> wrote:
>     >> I suggest that ANIMA focus on "professionally-managed" networks first,
>     >> with "Homenet" being a secondary consideration, akin to IPv4 is in the
>     >> homenet WG.
>     > I like that suggestion, with a caveat. The caveat being that I think
>     > there is room for a "professionally managed" home network as well -
>     > something homenet to date has touched on, but for the most part
>     > avoided.
> Sure;  we have avoided it because I think most see the only professional
> nearby being the ISP, and few of *us* professionals want them mucking around
> in our home.  That's the personal experience of IETF contributors as
> individuals.

As far as the Anima charter goes (see subject line), we need to use the
use cases to *test* the Anima technical choices (when we make them)
against the real world. So eventually we'd need all kinds of use cases,
which is why the charter mentions a wide scope. But we need to start
with a finite task, which is why the charter mentions a couple
of specific cases.


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