The HNCP document mentions a routing protocol in many locations, including 
placing requirements on the HNCP routing protocol and discussing how 
information will be taken from and injected into the routing tables in use by 
the routing protocol.  I have listed the places where the current version (-07) 
mentions a routing protocol below.

I understand that there is some desire to write "modular" documents, and I 
don't object whatever routing protocol is used being documented in a different 
RFC than the HNCP protocol.  However, HNCP interacts intimately with "the 
routing protocol", and it is not possible to implement or run HNCP without 
implementing and running a routing protocol.  If two routers implement HNCP but 
are not running _the same_ routing protocol, they will not work together 
properly.  These things indicate, to me, that the HNCP spec requires a 
normative reference to a routing protocol (or conceivably to a routing protocol 
selection mechanism) to ensure that the same routing protocol is being run on 
all HNCP routers within a single home.

If you contend that it is possible to usefully run HNCP in a network where 
different HNCP routers are running different routing protocols, please explain 
to me how that could work.


"[Each router implementing HNCP] MUST implement and run a routing protocol.."
"[Each router implementing HNCP] MUST use adequate security mechanisms for the 
routing protocol on any interface where it also uses the security mechanisms of 
"Routing based on source and destination address is necessary."
"Such an interface acts as an internal interface with the exception that HNCP 
or routing protocol traffic MUST NOT be sent on the interface…"
"[The prefix assignment algorithm] MUST create an appropriate route for said 
prefix, indicating it is directly reachable on the respective link and 
advertise said route using the chosen routing protocol."
"The router publishing a prefix with internet connectivity MUST announce an 
IPv4 default route using the routing protocol"
"A Route Information Option [RFC4191] MUST be added for each delegated IPv6 
prefix known in the HNCP network.  Additional ones SHOULD be added for each 
non-default IPv6 route with an external destination prefix advertised by the 
routing protocol."
"In addition, the router SHOULD announce a Classless Static Route Option 
[RFC3442] for each non-default IPv4 route advertised in the routing protocol 
with an external destination."

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