> If I understand HNCP right then the "uplink" will announce a prefix
> which should be used by all routers for the attached hosts.

Er... no.  The "uplink", or delegating router in Homenet parlance, only
announces a source-specific route.  It's the routers performing the
assignment that announce a route to the prefix.

> The problem will appear if HNCP learns about this prefix through DNCP
> but the routing protocol cannot provide a route to the uplink (because
> hysteresis decided one of the links is too bad).

That's not how Babel's hysteresis works.  But yes, the link quality
estimator and routing metric being used could decide that none of the
routes are usable.

> I wonder if HNCP routers should apply all addresses/prefixes to its
> local interfaces, but should check for an existing route to the HNCP
> router that announce the prefix before providing it via DHCP or RA to
> hosts.

This would cause renumbering whenever the routing protocol has a hiccup.
Instead, what HNCP does is that it assigns one prefix for each delegated
prefix, and instructs hosts to grab one address for each assigned prefix.
Hosts are then expected to do the happy eyeballs/ICMP unreachable dance.

Or to run Babel.  (Ducks.)

-- Juliusz

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