On 8/30/15 6:16 PM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> On 31/08/2015 09:27, Gert Doering wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 03:07:50PM +0200, Henning Rogge wrote:
>>>> Short-term reachability indications are sent to hosts in a reactive manner,
>>>> using ICMP unreachables.  If any applications are unable to do the right
>>>> thing with ICMP unreachables, we should fix the applications.
>>> I am not aware of any application doing anything more than "try to
>>> open the connection again".
>>> How do you propose the application to react? Most applications leave
>>> the source-IP selection to the operation system...
>>> does any OS currently change the preference order of IPv6 source
>>> prefixes when it gets ICMP unreachable messages?
>> And that's a well-known issue that the IETF needs to finally tackle:
>> source-address failover. 

So long as you don't invoke the prospect of either extremely expnesive
overlay networks, or globably route scalability go right ahead those are
both in play already.

Hosts in in absence of state as turns out are rather good at
instantaneous renumbering. e.g. as they roam  between networks it
remains a mystery to me that networks  containy hosts are less able to
cope. I may be in fact that that they are not less able to cope.

> We did - it's called shim6. The trouble is that we can't deploy it
> because of stupid firewalls blocking the necessary extension headers.

Give it a rest. we work with have we have, not might want other people
to deploy at great expense for our benfit.

>    Brian
>> This is way bigger than just homenet-related,
>> as it will basically affect every host that has multiple equally-scoped
>> IPv6 addresses where one of them has intermittent failures.
>> Hosts need to learn to cope - the failure could be in the ISP1 network,
>> so there is nothing HNCP could do inside the homenet to signal "uh, btw,
>> do not use prefix1 for connections to ISP_Z, it's broken right now" (first,
>> it does not know the scope, second, it has no mechanism to tell).
>> Gert Doering
>>         -- NetMaster
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