On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Markus Stenberg
<markus.stenb...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Let’s assume a shared link with 2 homenet routers (rid1, rid2) and 1 host 
> (foo).
> Given no election, use of e.g. mDNS to determine hosts/services would result 
> in the host showing under both rid1.home and rid2.home. That isn’t a problem 
> in naming case (you have IP => name, and name => IP resolving), but for 
> service discovery it kind of sucks.

Okay, I see the problem with the hierarchical namespace when two when
we have this "host switched to multiple HNCP routers" situation.

It would be great if we would get one common (m)DNS name for the host,
even if it got multiple IP addresses.

Would it be a solution to use a DNS "second level" name for each
ethernet segment with hosts attached but NOT include the routers into
the DNS name? If you connect two homenet routers to the same ethernet
segment, they should know because they see each others HNCP packets
(unless its a LEAF interface... which contradicts the switched
situation a little bit). Both sides could agree on a common "Link
segment" name and announce the host with "host1.link-segment.home".

Henning Rogge

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