
Sorry, this is a bit of a granular question, and this may not be the right 
place for it - I’m relying on the value of running code to the group ;-) . My 
background is s/w engineering, rather than networking, so I could well have 
made some fundamentally poor assumptions.

There was a discussion back in Oct 2015 about running hnetd (I presume) on 
mainstream linux distros ( <>). 
Henning Rogge raised the question and Markus Stenberg responded that it had 
been tried on Debian 7. The discussion also referred to building hnetd on 
OpenWRT ( <>) and 
( <>) based on using a larger distro 
and shncpd for a subset of the homenet protocols. The hnetd repo implies that 
it can be made to work with generic linux router firmware, which I took to mean 
any linux distro.

I think that this is an important issue, based on my experience of trying to 
build home automation products in the IoT space. Environments without carefully 
engineered networks can behave in unexpected ways, even with small numbers of 
end devices and realistic deployments will require significant software 
instrumentation and the ability to change the instrumentation to understand 
what is going. So, I believe, you need a full fat distro for such environments 
that’s responsible, say, for handling 6LowPAN devices, abstraction of such 
devices for use by other services, and managing their lifecycles.

So I tried to spin hnetd up on a fedora vm, and found it fighting the distro 
set-up. Maybe the implementation isn’t supposed to co-exist with other network 
controlling software on the same computer. What’s my best approach to getting 
the homenet protocols running as a proof of concept? I cannot find a ‘top down’ 
view of how the different components fit together - the descriptions seem to 
assume a depth of knowledge of openwrt that I don’t have.

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