Juliusz Chroboczek <mailto:j...@pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr>
11 May 2016 18:29
Bonjour is (roughly) based on Appletalk AFAIK. I've got nothing against
Appletalk Phase II, so if Bonjour was extended to provide an equivalent
function to Appletalk Phase II Zone Information Protocol = ZIP then I'd be
happier. That would cover concerns on non-overlapping name spaces. And
Appletalk NBP/ZIP resolution also prevents loops in routed networks.

« The AppleTalk Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) manages the relationship
   between network numbers and zone names. »

While I could in principle go and pick a copy of Inside Appletalk at the
library, I'd be grateful if you could explain what you have in mind.
I do happen to have a (yellowed) copy of "Inside Appletalk" on my bookshelf ;)

It would be new functionality to Bonjour, so strictly speaking it's out of scope for Homenet.

AFAIK (and I'm sure someone will keep me honest here) Appletalk strongly binds network numbers/cable ranges (prefixes in IPv6) to zones (logical groupings). Zone associations to network numbers/links are controlled by the Appletalk routers (not the hosts directly) and are associated with either a logical or physical link. The routing of name resolution requests to (extended) networks is based on zones. There can be multiple zones per network number, but the first zone is the "default zone" that hosts should use if they have no other preference. Host interfaces can only have a single network address and be a member of a single zone (although I've never actually seen that defined anywhere).

I leave it as a discussion point of whether that's a good model for Homenet, especially since IPv6 explicitly supports multiple prefixes per link and multiple addresses per interface per host.

Allowing a tight binding of IPv6 prefix <-> Homenet namespace zone could possibly work and simplify any solution for e.g. reverse resolution.

The key characteristics (that currently seem to be missing) would be:

1) a mechanism to route name resolution requests in an L3 network

2) a mechanism to prevent/ mitigate the effect of any (transient) loops in the name resolution infra (could be sub-function of 1)

3) a mechanism to advertise "zones" between Homenet routers.

4) a mechanism to advertise zones to hosts.

5) a field to indicate "zone membership" of a particular name/label to be used by hosts when advertising/resolving names.

I don't like the hybrid proxy model either.  It promises the union of
the problems and intersection of the functionality.  Proxying flies in
the face of the trend of smart devices and dumb networks.

Very well put.

-- Juliusz

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