On the Mac I just press the ‘-‘ button on the list of printers to remove the 
old entry.

I suspect most devices WILL NOT REMEMBER old printers.  Macs are a exception 
because their heritage is manually configured printers.  You will get to see 
the current list and that is just that.  I think this is really a non-issue.  
The old printer is gone.  There is a new printer with a different name.

If a device really wants to be known by two names it can register itself twice.


> On 1 Jun 2018, at 10:39 am, Ted Lemon <mel...@fugue.com> wrote:
> On May 31, 2018, at 4:27 PM, Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com> wrote:
>> With a CNAME, you wouldn't need to deprecate the other... it's just an alias 
>> that you have control of.
>> From the UI perspective, whatever is presenting names to the user can prefer 
>> the human-given name over
>> the auto-generated name, right? We wouldn't need to standardize anything 
>> then.
> Michael, I don't think you've really understood the issue here.   Let me try 
> and explain it all at once, since the explanation was actually scattered 
> across several messages.
> There are two pieces to this.   First, there's the thing that publishes the 
> name.  That's DNSSD.   There's no problem with that end of things.   If you 
> change the name, the device just appears with its new name, and everything is 
> fine.   That's our piece of the puzzle, and it already works.
> The problem is that hosts tend to remember names.   On MacOS, for instance, 
> if you configure a printer, the host remembers the printer forevermore.   
> It's no problem to configure a new printer, but if you change the name that 
> the printer advertises, there will be a stale configuration on the host 
> pointing to the old name, and the user will have to configure a new printer 
> to get access to the old printer.
> So what we are talking about here actually breaks DNSSD's good behavior.   We 
> don't want DNSSD to publish two names.   We don't want DNSSD to publish a 
> CNAME.   That would just be extra garbage that would have to be maintained 
> forever.
> What we want is a way for the host to notice that the device's name has 
> changed.   We want the device to have some identity other than the name that 
> doesn't change when the name changes.   And we actually have this in the 
> registration protocol, which is another draft being published in the DNSSD 
> working group.   That protocol has the host generating a public/private key 
> pair, and using the public key as an identity.   It uses this identity to 
> claim the name, but it wouldn't be that much work to also specify that hosts 
> should use that identifier to notice that a device has a new name and update 
> the name in the user interface.
> When I talk about UI, I'm really talking about the API behind the UI.   
> Having a management API for homenet would be a good thing.   Possibly it 
> could just be done with HNCP.
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