On 3/1/19 4:14 PM, Michael Richardson wrote:

When we started this effort we heard of real situations such as Fred's
original FUN BOF slides on how dual-geek households are forced not to share
printers due to corporate home firewall requirements.  And that we should
expect the situation to get worse.  Those slides are close to ten years old.
I'd like to know if they are still at relevant.  Maybe they aren't.
If not, why not?

I've been in startup land the last several years where everything is in the cloud and everybody brings their own device. At the office, it was just business cable. We got asked by a customer what our firewall was and we sort of looked puzzled. Where do you mean? There was no corporate network and no need for one. We outsourced all of the typical things that corpro IT does which was fine by us because who wants to spend time and money on reinventing wheels?

My point here is that companies who are started in the cloud -- which is just about everybody these days -- don't even understand the requirement. Maybe they do when they get big enough, but I'm not sure.


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