
We are looking for a simple way to configure the primary / secondary DNS
setting between the homenet and the outsourcing infrastructure. The
exchange of these information is done over a secure channel - let say TLS.
While we coudl re-define a configuration template / mechanism we believe
that re-using widely deployed libraries would ease the deployment.

The HNA is responsible for building / signing the zone and synchronising
the zone with the outsourcing infrastructure. To build the zone some
elements of the infrastructure are needed such as the NS and IP for
example. One way to enable the transmission of information from the the
outsourcing infrastructure to the homenet is to use an well known fqdn
hna.example.com with an AXFR request. Does it sound reasonable ?

On the other hand, the outsourcing infrastructure needs to know the fqdn of
the hna. One way to provide that information could be to re-use DNS update
updating the SOA of hna.example.com. The fqdn of the hna would be indicated
using the MNAME field. Does it sounds reasonable as well ?

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