On Jun 18, 2019, at 10:56 AM, Daniel Migault <daniel.miga...@ericsson.com> 
> I am also questioning on whether we should provide some sort of 
> recommendations for the UI. While we are not UI designers, I believe some 
> properties could be interesting for designers, and those may be helpful to be 
> provided. 

The trouble that we have gotten into repeatedly in this working group is that 
we write the specification in anticipation of an implementation, rather than on 
the basis of experience doing an implementation.   We have a fantastic testbed 
for this: OpenWRT.   I am at this point somewhat expert in doing OpenWRT 
builds.   Rather than speculating about what we need to say, why not do an 
implementation, see how it works, and then do a writeup based on what we 
learned?   We’re already talking about doing this at the Hackathon.

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