[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Or at least thats how it is in the southeast US.

I love how in spite of how the education system treated me I stuck to my guns
with the Horn and practiced. My band director didn't give a flying flip about
me practicing. Marching band (for 5 years) would ruin my chops each semester,
and I always felt that I was going through musical prostitution having to do

When you can work hard despite adversity is when you know what hard work is
and what it means.

That is also when you know its worth it :)


PS: I wonder if the first name of the guy who invented the the Mellophone was
"Adolf". That would make three Adolfs the world could have lived happily

In a message dated 10/29/2002 4:59:58 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> Subj:[Hornlist] Re: Marching Band - Again
> Date:10/29/2002 4:59:58 PM Pacific Standard Time
> From:<A HREF="mailto:wkkimple@;prodigy.net">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>
> Reply-to:<A HREF="mailto:horn@;music.memphis.edu">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>
> To:<A HREF="mailto:horn@;music.memphis.edu">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>
> Sent from the Internet
> Just a note to bring you up to date.
> There are nine high schools in my county here in
> South Carolina.  Five of them made the State
> Marching Band Finals last weekend.  I have students
> from three of these five bands.
> One of the bands, Byrnes High School, was the
> winner of the State Marching Championship for the
> FIFTH time in seven years, placing second the other
> two times.  Outside of Texas, South Carolina
> probably pushes marching band the most of any other
> state in the nation.
> Now that that's over, it's State football playoff
> time, where many of our county teams usually
> participate, then it's a string of Christmas
> parades.
> Sadly it will be January before my horn students
> really have time for serious practice.  Even then,
> marching band music will be passed out, along with
> those $#&^*!!! marching horns in late April.
> As some of you may remember, I reported on one
> local high school where the director had taken away
> all of the (french) horns for marching season, and
> just issued marching horns to the students.  That
> same director, as of last week, purchased two new
> (french) horns, but has six horn players in his
> high school band.  Haven't heard yet what the plan
> is, but I'm certainly encouraging my students from
> this band to buy their own horns.  The official
> word from the school district is that no money is
> available for instrument repairs, let alone any
> more new instruments.
> One of my students, a fourteen year old girl, is
> excepionally talented, but the seniors will get the
> new horns, and she's only a freshman.  She will get
> the worst horn availble, if there is one available.
> That's music education(?) here in the good old USA.
> Wilbert in SC
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