On recommendation of several list members, I have started using "Ultra-Pure" lamp oil to lubricate the rotor valve bearings (top & bottom).
This lamp oil is "99% pure liquid wax paraffin" (highly purified kerosene) and really is odorless, and does not leave a taste. The valves work very well at cool room temperature, and I think it would be good for use in freezing temperatures too. It seems to lubricate quite well and the re-oil interval is about the same as with Al Cass. I have not yet used the U-P in the summer, and perhaps a different oil will be better in warm and hot seasons.
If you try the "Ultra-Pure", I suggest that you first flush the valves with about a tablespoon-full of U-P through the leadpipe - but first push all the tuning slides fully closed. After flushing and draining the U-P, I think you will notice the valve action to be much quicker (this would also be a good time to swab-out the leadpipe).
For oiling, I put some of the U-P in a small "eye-drop" bottle so I can dispense it by the drop. Oil the top and bottom bearings of the valves as usual. After the initial flush of the rotors, I have not had to re-flush or lubricate the rotor bodies.
I purchased a 22 ounce bottle of U-P at K-Mart for about $4 (US), and I understand that it is usually available at Walmart.
Be sure to get the CLEAR U-P, and make sure the bottle says "99% pure, smokeless and odorless". The manufacturer is Lamplight Farms, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, USA.
Jay Kosta
Endwell NY USA
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