Hello Chris,

Since you as a 'horn professional' will be assisting in this purchase, I think that finding a good nickel 8D may be the most expedient route - assuming that your student is happy with the 8D's playing characteristics after giving it a good trial.

My reasoning about this is:
1) the 8D is (arguably) universally regarded as a 'pro' level instrument.
2) with your help, the chosen horn will have been examined to make sure it is well-constructed (valves, joints, braces, etc.), and that it plays well.
3) in case the student ever wants to sell the horn, a nickel 8D will probably always have good re-sale value.

If other makes and models of horns are considered, these should probably be included: Yamaha 668N-II, and the original 668N, Holton Merker models, Conn 10D and 11D.

I would enjoy seeing a 'follow-up' report from you about the results of the search for this horn - it would be especially interesting to know how you 'weed-out' the unacceptable horns.

Jay Kosta
Endwell NY USA
Christopher Bonner writes:

Fellow Hornists,

I am in need of your experience and your advice. I have a student who is to recieve a new horn as a graduation present. We are trying to figure out what will be the best horn for her, and is within her budget. ( about $2,500 U.S. dollars ) I am suggesting that no purchase be made without playing the horn first. I have been leaning towards a Conn 8D as my general recommendation. I have a student currently playing a nickel 8D that is three years old and the horn plays beautifully. I also have a student on a Yamaha 667, and I have heard great variation in tone, intonation and ease of playing from instruments of this model. I have never been happy with his sounnd on this horn.

I have read Conn's literature on their different horns, and also the materials. Is there anyone out here that has played all of the 8D's? ( Nickel, Rose brass and Yellow brass) What were you impressions of them?

I have been playing one of Walter Lawson's beautiful horns for fifteen years and have remained blissfully ignorant of the trouble of others when it comes to choosing a horn. This young lady has the potential to be a GREAT hornist, and I want her to have all of the tools she needs to reach her potential. Any and all comments on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, and Happy Thoughts
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