
Very loud spoken from the beginning: I am not a Saddam-fan, and I will
not celebrate a big mourning party, if this dictator sack will look at
the Arab radish from below. But it does not help: an international law
breaking war remains an international law breaking war, and I believe,
one could have reached the target in another way. The weapon inspectors
were on a good path. And, one could have saved to kill those, whom one
wanted to liberate.

But these are not the only one perishing. Soldiers, helicopters &
reporters were shot down by their own people despite of praezision
bombs, praezisionguns & praezision-what-else. What a bullshit. First
they said, they could target a cruise missile - from the Mediterranean -
to trim Saddams beard hairs, and then  that failures.
And the expression "friendly fire" is pure cynism. Friendly Fire ?? I
think, what is "unfriendly fire" then ? How should I imagine that ?
Pilots hit, crash & their last words: "How lucky, they were ours ? I
could understand, if it would be named "idiot fire" or "fucked fire".
But friendly ? Pounch your best friend & watch his reaction. If you are
insecure, hit him again, but tell him it was a friendly pounch.

I just noticed, that British are hit by friendly fire mostly. Why ?
Communication difficulties with the Americans ? The language of war is
completely insane commonly. What does hit you in friendly fire: Smart
bombs. Whatīs that ? Do bombs knock onto your door asking if some
republican guards are in the house, and explode then ? I am not war
specialist, but I know just one thing: BOMBS ARE THUMB ALLWAYS.

But this is not the end of pulling the wool ove peopleīs eyes and
war-down-playing-romantic. There said Gen.Tommy Franks about his
soldiers: "They did some wonderful things out there." If hundreds of
deaths were wonderful things, he would be right indeed. Visiting an
anatomic exhibition with plastificated human parts would not hurt
nobody, and were much cheaper.

And just talking about cheaper. Where is the king of the war willing
dwarf rulers, the slimers from third row, the European stylist niggtmare
Aznar. During the Azores Islands summit he stand around as much
important, that I assumed, he could crawl more up into Bushīs ass, so he
could use his stomach acid as gel for his hairs. Even his hair style is
a biological weapon. This is terrorism a new way ... I would not wonder
with Berlusconi, as he joins everything illegal ....

Apropos dollars. I do know now how much money Bush has in mind to
finance the war, 74,4 billion dollars. That is big money. You could even
buy Irak for that money. But then there is not much big bang. But I
understood, 11 billions are to rebuild Irak. The contracts are given to
US companies already, even partly. ... That looks the same as
contracting Al-Kaida for the rebuilding of World Trade Center. (The Bin
Laden Trust is one of the biggest constructing companies of the world !)

May-be, I am too silly to understand that all. But how said G.W.Bush
horrible nicely in Florida: "Liberty is not Americaīs gift to the world,
itīs godīs gift to humanity." But, eventually, this gift is deadly. And
regarding godīs presents, I doubt earnestly, that they were brought to
us by this insane Texan pseudo-pope & alcohol-ayatolla. One can only
pray, that god himself does not receive CNN.

Hope dies last. I for myself still hope, that a miracle might happen &
this complete shit can be saved. I hope, that the civil population will
not suffer more, I hope the soldiers will return home alive. I hope,
that all the protestsin the world will have success finally. But at the
moment it looks like Bush is selling us as idiots & for 74,4 billion
dollars. Yes, the price for idioty was high always. Nearly as high as
the price for megalomania. But I am sure, Bush will have an additional
budget for that ready.

Translated from a newspaper. Written by a well known critic young

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
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