It is myopic and childish to think that list members in the US don't
receive as much news as any other person on the list.  Such nonsense has
ceased to be acceptable.  Kindly keep NHR things to yourself.

John Dutton

-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Pizka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 14:01
Subject: [Hornlist] what happen

What happen on the list except a bit lamenting about high dorm prices
(indeed a heavy burden for many participants !) ? Are all watching TV
News as a new experience ? Normally, nobody watches news. I see both
sides & the critical between. Car bomb at checkpoint killed 11 soldiers,
destroyed 3 armoured personal carrier & disabled two tanks besides 3
Apache being shot down today (international news from Baghdad), air born
unit had to be evacuated by helicopters, leaving all equipment behind;
other 19 being killed in one day; be buried according to their rites by

I know, I hit your nerves, but truth is truth & I am a pacifist. That is
also the reason, that I will not come to Bloomington, even I miss my
friends very much. Well, admitted, the circumstances are one reason. The
other reason is an low horn audition scheduled for June 5th, where I
have to be leader of the jury, - and I could not return in time except
departing from Bloomington on 4 rth to arrive on 5th early morning &
perhaps falling asleep while in the jury. Would not give a good example
for my much younger colleagues, right.

But the audition was scheduled after I made my decision. Sorry. Has
nothing to do with my many friends in the HIS. Again, I am sorry, but
the decision had been made by (Air)"force major".

If I could hate (my life philosophy forbids that), I would hate WAR
indeed, any kind of war. If we have to express aggression, we can do it
wonderful, just using our horns. How better than in a Wagnerian all horn
orchestra. No other gang or band would be able to stop this hurricane,
tornado, blizzard, tsunami, typhoon of horn noise. This would intimidate
our enemies. Enemies: do horn player have enemies ? They just have
enemies all around: conductor, manager, composer, critic, colleagues
....... All these so called enemies do not deserve that we horn players
unite (as so often incomplete) & "play-blow" them away or into pieces,
as we do it for fun, for our fun.  

Prof.Hans Pizka, Pf.1136
D-85541 Kirchheim - Germany
Fax: 49 89 903-9414 Phone: 903-9548

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