> At 03:59 PM 4/3/03 -0700, John Dutton wrote:
>> It is myopic and childish to think that list members in the US don't
>> receive as much news as any other person on the list.  Such nonsense has
>> ceased to be acceptable.  Kindly keep NHR things to yourself.
>> John Dutton
> John,
> I agree totally with you on this matter, and I do feel qualified to speak,
> as my son was serving as a Marine, and I have a colleague who's son is a
> Marine, and it hard as a parent of a Marine to know that other parents are
> worried whether their child will return from their commitment to serve the
> country.
> Hans, if you would please do as another of our colleagues asked and place a
> NHR on the postings where you are venting on the war. Anyone that knows me
> personally, knows that I am very eager to vent when I absolutely need to do
> so. I understand Hans, that you need to vent, as this war goes totally
> against your principles, but some don't wish to read your opinions. I
> really have learned much from the horn related material you have posted
> over the years I've been on the list, thank you for sharing on the subject
> of horn playing.
> Walt Lewis
Thank you, my dear friend Walt, for your comment.  As you know, I suffered
through Desert Storm when my oldest son was an officer in the Marines.  The
shoes of a parent of a child who has gone to war are among the most
difficult of all to fill.  Let us all pray for a fair and enduring peace.
Ellen Manthe

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