Just thought I pass along this information on this interesting website for 
inform                   ation about the arts in New York City.  The reviews 
change daily and there is always interesting news and views.

<Dear Friends and Colleagues:

"About Last Night," my on-line diary of the arts in New York, is 
beginning its fourth week of daily postings. Here's the address:


If you haven't visited yet, please do. You'll find up-to-the-minute 
commentary about all the arts--music, dance, theater, painting and 
sculpture, books, film and TV, high, medium, and low--plus links to 
dozens of other arts-related sites of all kinds.

If you've already visited "About Last Night," thanks for coming...and 
please tell your friends.

I'd like to make www.terryteachout.com the first stop on the Web for 
art lovers. You can help. Spread the word....everbest t>

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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