Well, as most of you know, I don't pretend to know much about horn playing 
even though I try to do a good bit of it.  Why, me and Ol' Stephen Pierce where 
just silly enough (and I suppose to be honest, a wee bit toasted) to pull out 
our horns and play a bunch of duets on the deck behind Boomerzzzz Lounge in 
Pensacola the other day.  You talk about learning to get over nerves, them 
rednecks didn't really know just how to take those funny all curled up trumpets!  
They didn't seem to mind the Bipperies all that much but I'm here to tell ya 
most of my Southern mates don't have all that much of a hankerin' for Frederic 
Duvernoy.  Well, we played 'em anyway.  It was quite a show, beer, rednecks, 
and French Horn duets under the Live Oak Tree behind the bar.  

Yup, you guessed it, ol' redneck here.  I thought I would just drop my little 
touch on the tattoo subject, mostly for the kids who happen to be here, you 
adults may as well tune out now.  Being the crusty, salty, ol' Navy Diver (and 
yes, Navy Diving Doctor) that I am, it has been my privilege to observe just a 
boat load of tattoos over the years and, to commune (read, drink) with the 
tattooed.  The only constant I have ever found amongst folks who have tattoos is 
that ten years or so after the fact, they all wish that they didn't have 
them.  I'm sure that somebody will come back and tell me that I'm all hosed up for 
saying that, and that's fine.  I would never tell anybody "don't get a 
tattoo" I would however recommend that you not get a tattoo until you are at least 
80.  If you really want that tattoo then, well, go ahead, you probably won't 
live long enough to regret it.  Now remember, this comes from the most red of 
rednecks the list has ever known so take it for what it cost you!

I'm sure that Dr. (to be soon) Pierce will have more to tell you about 
playing at Boomerzzzz.

So there I was, just easin' down the leadpipe of life, thought I was just 
going around the bend to have a few beers.  Well, things got out of hand and I 
had one too many.  Next thing I know I'm sucked into a tattoo parlor and zap, I 
had a saxophone on my forehead!  Damn, scared for life.

Well, I guess that's about all I have for tonight.  Ya'll come to see us when 
ya' can.

Robby Robinson
Section player, River City Band, Memphis Tennessee
formerly from:
LA (Lower Alabama)
Redneck Riviera
Fourth Horn, Northwest Florida Symphony
Second Horn, Pensacola Civic Band
Horn, First City Five Woodwind Quintet
set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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