On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 10:02 AM, Robert Marlatt wrote:
I have played this gig a couple of times. Basically it is a seminar teaching teamwork to mid/upper-level managers. The approach is a little cheesy (cabbage? I'm ready), but it is fun to see how the participants react to what we do. The conductor is extremely respectful of the musicians, and in that respect I applaud him for presenting our art to a captured audience. It's a little weird getting dressed in formal tails for the presentation, but that is all part of the schtick.

I'm glad she cross posted:-} I read the article and I thought this was a really great idea; when one is manager I bet there are a lot of management training seminars one is dragged kicking and screaming to. I remember the TMQ crap that went (still goes?) on in the Armed Services *gack*. Maybe the military service/field bands could be used when it's time to teach the officers that micro-managing doesn't work.

Now if corporate America could find a way to use this approach to teach morality to it's top level execs.


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