Lisa & All:

A while back there was a discussion of what it means to be a "professional"
hornist. A definition that resonated with me and many others was a person
who ALWAYS earns at least 51% of their living expenses playing the horn. I
apologize that I do not recall who provided that definition.

Using that definition it will be somewhat informative to poll the two major
horn lists to see how many professionals use a Holton as their "money horn."
Bear in mind that the results will be far from scientific since most
professional hornists are too busy practicing, rehearsing, teaching,
traveling and performing to bother with the nonsense on either list (yes,
like this proposed poll).

I am not sure of the size of our select universe. Recently we were advised
that the Yahoo list had 1200 members. I heard a similar number for the IHS
list in the past. However, I am sure many are cross listers (pun intended).
Can we agree that there are at least 1600 participants? Further, we must
require that each player (horn, that is) answer for his or her own self and
be completely honest! So, here goes "nothin,-"

"Of those of you who consistently fit the definition of a professional
hornist noted above and care to respond, please advise if you use a Holton
horn as your main instrument."

Do we have a volunteer with an equally empty life to tabulate the results?

Julio de la Rosa

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "hafner_lisa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2003 11:34 PM
Subject: [horn] holton horns

> I have been told that Holtons are pretty much only beginner to
> intermediate horns and that no professionals would be caught dead
> with them.  I was wondering if there was any validity to this
> statement and if anyone could list some professionals who do use
> holtons.
> Thanks a lot
> Lisa Hafner
> 2nd chair, Arkansas Tech University
> Junior Music Education
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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