In a message dated 10/1/2003 1:01:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
FYI: The time differential between California and Japan is nowhere near 24 hours.
Japan is only 7 time zones away from California if you count backwards.
Since California is observing Daylight Savings Time (don't get me started on how stupid that concept is) it is now an 8 hr difference. For a few more weeks.
But it's not that easy, the International Date Line will confuse you and you won't be sure what the date is in Japan.
So count forwards 21 hours. Now you know the date there. It's almost tomorrow already in Japan.
If you'd rather not hassle with the math there are many excellent time resources on the net.
For a great real time world clock, go to:
For an easily printable, static Time Zone map:
Your tax dollars at work.
For a nice color map:
For a dead accurate time and date anywhere in the world:
There are many more. Google will find them for you.
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