That depends on the student. A few kids want the challenge and rise to it. I
switched to the horn from trumpet because the orthodontic braces hurt me while
playing the trumpet. Go figure. The music teacher knew I was ornery and needed
the challenge.

I guess the point is that you can't generalize. How's that for a

Herb Foster
--- "Gregory L. Campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
> Another point from the article I disagree with:
> > “Some people think the French horn is one of the hardest instruments to
> play, so we’ll need a couple of our top students to play horn in our band.”
> Telling beginning students that "some instruments (horn, oboe, bassoon) 
> are harder" is not a way to plan for success. Why give a beginner an 
> excuse for messing up?
> ...

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