And we haven't come very far in 75 years. Sadly, I can only think of maybe half a dozen African American classical musicians working in Boston. Half of this number are members of the BSO.

Bob Marlatt
Boston MA

Phil writes:
 >John Mason, are you still on this list?

I am and sadly know nothing about the Victorian
Concert Orchestra; Boston, Mass.; conducted by

Amy writes:
I found a paragraph on this group in a book by Maude
>Hare, Negro Musicians and Their Music, published 1936

J. Mason
Wow.  Quick work to find an obscure reference.  Thanks
very much Amy.  You must be a librarian.  If you or
Peter find anything else, please let me know.

It makes sense that the orchestra would have been
formed in Boston, with its well-established African
American middle class and classical music culture.
set your options at

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