His name was Gottfried von Freiberg not Freiburg. Yes I know this recording
also & could find out who played that recording. I will listen to it once
again & tell you, who played first horn, later, as I can distinguish Velebas
tone from Freibergs tone.

The Dvorak New Worls with R.Berger is on Video.

> > There is also a Dvorak New World Symphony on video, where R.Berger uses
> > a F-high F descant and, as far as I remember a Bruckner 4. But even he
> > had problematic times (alcohol), but mastered it later.
> I have just bought a CD reissue of a Decca recording from the early 50's
> of
> the Dvorak New World. I used to have a copy of this on vinyl as a child
> and
> enjoyed it very much, hence my recent re-purchase. It is conducted by
> Rafael
> Kubelik, and would have been recorded during the time of von Freiburg and
> Veleba.
> I was interested to hear in the solo after the 2nd time bar in the 1st
> movement, the distinctive sound of an F alto horn. There is no doubt, I am
> sure, as the solo is quite close miked, and of course the player also used
> it in the last movement solo with the high B.
> All the rest of the part seemed to be on normal F horn.
> In my young days, before I played the horn myself, I never noticed this,
> of
> course. It is a great recording and all the horn playing is first rate, as
> one would expect.
> Cheers,
> Graeme Evans
> (Principal Horn, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra)
> +61 3 9318 0690(H), +61 419 880371(B), +61 3 93180893(Fax)
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