
Since no one seems to have mentioned the rather obvious fact that a
standard wind octet plus a couple of flutes is identical with a double
woodwind quintet, I thought I'd point that out, just in case this factoid
may initiate the thought process in some otherwise dormant cerebellum
(cerebrum? - I'm not sure which is responsible for conscious thought).

Also: In case they are unknown to would-be program makers and chamber music
enthusiasts, there are a number of bibliographies centering on wind music
(I'll leave out the horn-centric ones like Bruechle, Sansone, Schuller,
Tuckwell, et. al. for now; hopefully you are already onto those)

Two listed in the NYPL online catalog are:

Voxman, Himie. Title Woodwind ensemble music guide, compiled by Himie
Voxman & Lyle Merriman. Imprint Evanston, Ill., Instrumentalist Co. [c1973]

Secrist-Schmedes, Barbera. Title Wind chamber music : for two to sixteen
winds : an annotated guide / Barbera Secrist-Schmedes. Imprint Lanham, Md.
: Scarecrow Press, 2002.

No doubt others exist, I just don't see them in the catalog, though I have
a couple at home in my own book collection. These two would provide a good
place to start. I'm sure that the Secrist one is readily available and a
decent research/university library ought to have the Voxman too (or be able
to locate it through Eureka or WorldCat to let you know where a copy is).

(OK, I just did a WorldCat search for you:

Houser, Roy.  Publication: New York, Da Capo Press, Year: 1973, 1962
Description: xx, 159 p. 26 cm. Language: English Series: Da Capo Press
music reprint series; Standard No: ISBN: 0306702576; LCCN: 76-166093

Norwegian chamber music : woodwinds. Norsk musikkinformasjon.1985 English
Book 94 p. ; 21 cm. Oslo : Norsk musikkinformasjon,

Eureka was off-line, so I couldn't also do a search on the subject
"woodwind music - bibliography" there)

You can take from here,

Good luck,

Peter Hirsch

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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