On Thu, 15 Apr 2004, Hans Pizka wrote:

> Hello Lawrence, I second that request, but regarding ErgoHorn I might
> ask, how about those who swivel around on their seat or dance-swing with
> their horn, as so often noted in auditions ? Big trouble then in the
> orchestra.

Easily solved - this invention is just a support stick with a connecting
plate.  Instead connecting each horn to the floor, you connect the entire
horn section together, so they have to swivel & swing together.  First
horn sets the rhythm, of course.  And they have to empty together.  Pray
that no one sneezes.

Seriously, is this invention of any value except for unfortunate players
with arthritis or other disability that makes holding the horn difficult?
It looks like a joke, especially the price.  The trombone version looks

        {  David Goldberg:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  }
        { Math Dept, Washtenaw Community College }
                 { Ann Arbor Michigan }

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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