Matthew & others,

You forgot important facts or descriptions of the real

Women are not liberated (officially) in many muslim
societies, but they are in command of the business & the
household in real life there. There are really resticted
circles, where women are forced to use the Chador (veil),
because of the existing super-jealousy of their husbands.
But still there, women command everything except politics
(but they work behind the scene).

Women in muslim societies are protected against sexism &
attacks as there exists capital punishment for violators. If
you were invited to a muslim house, you would know that the
ladies wear Gucci & Dior under their Kaftan. 

That´s the one side. 

Religious fanatics fight against the spoilage of their
siciety by so called Western decadent behaviour, press, TV,
etc. - which is our fault. Why do we export such senseless &
disgusting & useless things to them ? Why do we always try
to imply our view of the society to other societies. Are we
really free ? I doubt. We live under the pressure of
consumism, we nealy believe all what is told us by the TV,
we believe it be the truth. 

An example: 
They also have brothels in muslim societies like in javanese
(95 % muslim) Djakarta, but as a westerner you will never
get any chance to visit one od these etablissements, as the
Javanese say: "That is our case, our territory, no outsider
should touch !" 

We have to understand, that every society has limitations
with no exception. We have to understand that we with our
narrow (also !) view, are excluded from some parts of their
societies. And we have to respect.

Some of you talked about the rich being the source for
terrorism. That´s right, as they & special some of the
super-rich get the informations about the super corrupt
regimes in Saudi Arabia and ist super corrumped society (!!!
E.g. sex parties of any imaginable & unimaginable taste,
which nobody could even dream about in his worst nightmare,
just ten or twenty years ago !) 

and the former super corrupt regime in Iraq and the
corruption in all near East incl. Israel, who sells even
high sophisticated military equipment to their worst enemies
by using dark channels over third party middlemen.  All is
BUSINESS, even the TERRORISM. Some "events" might even been
arranged by our side, to get things done quickly, to join
forces for the GRIP ON OIL and other resources.

If we would give up this politics, we would have a chance to
calm down the waves, perhaps, if there would not be another
new business related reason behind the other side : POWER,
GRIP ON WORLD POWER, WORLD ORDER, from one side to the
other, no difference. But common men are BETWEEN. Right,
between MILL STONES. We SUFFER by the egocentrism of a few
---- on BOTH SIDES. I see no difference if I been hit by a
suicide bomber or by a laser guided bomb or rocket  shot
from far away in a safe distance. If someone be killed or
injured, I do not care which side has done it. It makes no
difference at all.

You resonate on Srbrenica, but what about Ugand &
Rwanda-Burundi; Etiopia ? Have you forgotten Biafra ?
Cambodia ? Hiroshima, Dresden ? I do not blame our Western
friends for these two tragedies. It was just politics &
necessary perhaps. I blame mankind as a whole, to let such
things happen. Auschwitz, Mauthausen & the other lagers ? I
have seen them. We have the large documentary center here in
Dachau & I bring all my visiting friends to this place to
experience the HELL. But why did mankind let this happen ?
Did they close their eyes completely or were they drunk in
their magalomania ? And we supported Pol Pot & Idi Amin &
Saddam just for selfish interests.

I just work through the official 8000+ pages of the official
Kriegstagebuch of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (War diary
of the suppreme command) to learn more about the facts, but
learned, what nonsense came from The Fuehrer himself in his
sermons for the generals as early as three years before the
collaps, but all the generals remained silent until July
20th, 1944 when a handful of courageous amateur
revolutionaries tried to eliminate the devil -
unsuccessfully. But all the others remained TACET. That is
our illness, our tragedy.

It is ashaming for mankind. Deepest ashaming in the 21st
century. I really feel sorry for this world, I feel sorry
for all children. Their chances for the future are not so
nice. For myself, baaah, 63 years have passed quite o.k. I
am thankful for that, very thankful.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of matthew scheffelman
Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 6:55 PM
Subject: [Hornlist] Peace ...

If one wants peace, you( or they ) must accept the
consequences. I doubt these religious fundamentalist
radicals will ever accept peace. Hiding in the love for
community and brotherhood, terrorists thrive off the trust
of others belonging to the same "belief"
,unless brainwashing is employed, it will never end.

War will never be the same as it was in the two world wars,
or vietnam, Korea. A strong UN must step up to fix the years
of mistakes(yugoslavia).

I truly believe our "western" culture is positive for the
future for one Huge reason. The empowerment of the Female in
controling her body for all purposes.
This is the biggest fear among Men in all non-western
cultures, more so the middle east. I will not spout my
reasons of strength for the American Woman.

Matthew Scheffelman

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