Gretchen H.T.M.L. Zook wrote:




Now, Gretchen, XJzQGVhcnRobGluay5uZXQNCkRhdGU6IEZyaS, but, 
gMTEgT and m92IDIwMD, UgMTU6ND, M6MjAg, and 
therefore the mostestest of MDAgKEdNVC0wNTowM and the very, very very  
greatestestests of theCkNClRvOmhvcm so then  
IE1hcmN1cyBCb25uYSBhbmQgdGhvc2UgdGhhd  until 
CBsZWZ0IGhpbSB0byBzdGFydCB0aGVpciBvd24g happens but  
Y2FzZSBidXNpbmVzcz8gIEFyZSB0 and  
aGV5IG1ha2luZyBjYXNlcyB1bmRlciB0aGUgTWFyY3VzIEJv so then  
bm5hIG5hbWUgbWVhbmluZyB0aGF0IHRoZXkg because  of 
YXJlIGNvdW50ZXJmZWl0cz8gIE9yIGFyZSB0aGV5 and  
IHVzaW5nIHRoZWlyIG93biBsYWJlbD8gIEFuZCBob3cgZG9  and  
lcyB0aGlzIGNvbm5lY3QgKGlmIGl0 umpteen GRvZXMpIHRvIH of this  
ZyBmb3IgYSBjYXNlIGFuZC  mostest of ByZWFsbHkgbGlrZSB0aGUgTWFy and 
slightestest  ofY3VzIEJvbm5hIGNhc2VzIGJ1dCB0 so  when
ZCBzdGF5IGF3YXkgZnJvbSB0aG9zZSB0aGF0IG  happens, you can  
KOPPRASCH NO.1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kindestest of Greetonings and Mostestest of Successesses,
Prof. I. M.  Gestopftmitscheist
Principal 8th horn and Principal 4th Wagner Tuber,  Schplittenotendorf am 
Oedland Staatsoper und Philharmoniker, (ret.)
Solo  Horn, Exit 2 Brass Quintet
Hornist, Broken Winds WW Quintet
Solo 4th Horn  (Leader, call me for bookings), Smirnoff Horn Quartet
Assistant Associate  Principal Mellophone, NJ Turnpike Authority Drum and 
Bugle Corps, "The Phantom  Lane Changers"
Hornist as Needed, L'Ensemble du Chambre des  Palourdes
Principal Natural Horn, I Soloisti di Feces
Principal Baroque  and Hunting Horn, Camarata Vongoleforte
Adjunct, Part-time, Arms-length  Professor of Horn and Pest Control, Exit 2 
Community College, Exit 2,  NJ
Author, "The Kopprasch Connection," "Kopprasch for Fun and Profit,"  
"Kopprasch for the New Millenium: Where Do you Fit In?" "Hooked on Hornonics,"  
"What If Saddam Had Given Ouday and Qusay Olds Ambassador or Conn Pan  American 
Single F Horns and a Kopprasch Book Instead of AK 47's, Booze and  Porn?" 
Founder, Director and CEO, Universal Institute for the Study,  Preservation 
and Dissemination of Kopprasch Throughout the Solar  System
Founder and Guru Extraordinaire, Hornaholics Anonymous
Grand Poobah  of the Koppraschian Kult
Director and Program Manager, The All Kopprasch  Channel (AKC), Kopprasch 
Public Radio (KPR)
Host of The Kopprasch Factor on  AKC and All Kopprasch Considered on KPR
Founder of Kopprasch Depot, your one  stop shop for all you need!
Interplanetarily Known Soloist and Artist of  Record
Exclusive Bundy, Carl Fischer, Olds Ambassador, Sansone and Conn  Artist Who 
Does Not Get His Horns For Free
Phone: yes
Fax: yes
E-mail:  yes
Website: no
"Kopprasch will keep you going and going and going and going and  ..."
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