message: 1
date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 12:12:25 -0600
from: John Wunderlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
subject: [Hornlist] Re: The Real Prof. I. M.  Gestopftmitscheist

No...because Prof. I. M. Gestopftmitscheist is a tangible being...but just what is his REAL identity? Come one...somebody help me out here.
   PS: Is Prof. I. M.  Gestopftmitscheist still on this list?--

He recently made an appearance, though it appears he hacked into
Kendall's computer to post his last email as witnessed by this evidence:

date: Mon, 26 Dec 2005 23:31:14 EST
subject: [Hornlist] Re: CLAMSAA


Kindestest of Seasonings Greetonings and Mostest of Bivalvulations,

Prof. I. M.  Gestopftmitscheist

John Wunderlin

Hi folks,
Excuse the cross post, but i think this controversy deserves more background.

I must say that I have to disavow any responsibility for the actions of my former student, Herr (or "Professor" if you will) I. M .Geschtopftmitscheist. He was an earnest, perhaps a bit obsessive lad with a wild imagination. His broken home and subsequent lack of monetary support caused him to rely on his street smarts to survive. As you can see, his ability to read people and his charismatic personality have taken him far from his humble beginnings. He used to tell me stories and do my gardening to pay for his lessons. Frankly, I never knew when he was telling the truth or if he knew what weeds were but it didn't seem to matter. He had that kind of effect.

I did start him out on Kopprasch, so perhaps there is some blame for me to accept there. Really though, how could I know things would go this far? Everyone needs to do Kopprasch! A lot of Kopprasch. Kids nowadays just don't do enough Kopprasch. Its pathetic. Kids today are wimps when it comes to Kopprasch. He had a similar fascination with Bruckner, transcribing entire Masses for horn ensemble. The problem with his many transcriptions is that they have no rests.

A great part of his life was taken up with the search for the Holy Mouthpiece. I know most of us have joined this Crusade at one time or another but again Geschtopftmitscheist carried things a bit too far, sometimes stalking people he thought might have the elusive artifact. He came to me several times, almost accusing me of hoarding a rare gold mouthpiece I had received from "the master"- saying that he should have it because I wasn't using it.

He is, however, always willing to care for stray horns, taking in many over the years. If you have a horn you don't want that needs a good home, give him a call. His generosity to other people has not been mentioned enough here either. Many of the problems he faced in his life were brought about because he gave to much of himself to others. I think we should all look upon his recent gifts to us of the poems, the histories and the holiday as a cry for help and redemption. Perhaps there has been divine intervention. What has happened here? Do we really understand the depth of this event? Is there some way we can respond appropriately? Some day day we may all look back on this with great reverence. Or not.

As far as his identity is concerned, if I told you, yes, I would have to be very concerned about your safety. I think he has revealed much about himself, perhaps too much. After all, on this Internet thing we call a forum, are any of us who we present ourselves to be? Think about that as we pass through the High Unholy Days of the Winter Solstice.

Know that there is some truth in what I have said.

Wendell Rider
For information about my book, "Real World Horn Playing" and the summer seminar, go to my website:

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