On Jul 19, 2006, at 2:08 PM, harveycor wrote:

Now if I had the entire whois for both lists-I would put all of you on the permissions...Gary, does the FAQ have this like it did when we were on spock?

A number of things, including retrieving a membership list, can be done with email commands to [EMAIL PROTECTED] For a complete list of commands available send an email from your subscribed address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "help" (no quotes) and an empty body.

Note that the subscribers list is only available to other subscribers, and does NOT include those who have chosen on their personal options page (a link to which is at the bottom of this message) to have their address hidden.

A warning, though, Rachel: that list is currently about 1000 addresses ;-)

From time to time I get messages from subscribers that have been sent to mailman or [EMAIL PROTECTED] asking why they suddenly stopped getting list posts. Usually they have email addresses @ AOL or Hotmail, though the problem can happen with any ISP. AOL in particular seems to regularly change the rules they use to filter spam from users' accounts, and quite often rejects perfectly legitimate email without notifying the user. When this happens, Mailman (the list server) records this as a bounce, and when enough of them accumulate, the user's subscription is disabled. Although mailman notifies the user, that notification is also frequently bounced as spam, so if you suddenly stop receiving horn posts with no explanation, go to your options page and check to see if delivery has been disabled. It's a simple matter to enable it once again, and then you need to work with your isp to figure out what settings to use on your email account to allow posts through.

In general, a good way to assure that you receive horn list mail, and this is especially for AOL and Hotmail subscribers, is to put "@music.memphis.edu" possibly with a wildcard character such as "*" before the @, in your list of approved senders. Actual syntax will vary depending on the ISP. Horn list posts are personalized and VERPed (google it if you wish) so the actual return address and "envelope sender" on a post is something like "horn-bounces [EMAIL PROTECTED]" - just substitute your address (with an = sign in the same place) for the "dan=music.memphis.edu" part and put that in your address book.

If you have any trouble receiving posts, please don't hesitate to contact me - but not for the next two weeks; I'm off to Cape Town tomorrow for IHS :-) Who else is going?

Dan "not the list owner, I just run the machine that hosts it" Phillips

Dan Phillips
Associate Professor
Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music
University of Memphis

post: horn@music.memphis.edu
unsubscribe or set options at 

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