Rick raved:

<< Best Horntrash post I've seen to date. Thanks for all your  hard work. It 
must take you twice as long as the rest of us to write your  messages.  >>

Now, I am having the greatestest of gratefulls for your appreciations  as 
there are some who lurk in the backgrounds of the cybernets who have  angers 
dislikings of me and mein and others on this formidablestest of  forums and 
this is really quite the miniscules of nothingnesses for me to  write my 
and please have the rememberings that the internet (and  especially the horn 
list) is a vast undertaking and most people who make  the writings to our list 
are pushed for time so, then, what  they write is only half vast when 
comparisons are made to mein but actually I  spend less time than you because I 
all of my writings in cut  time.
<< BTW: proper German, including word, order would be:
Herr  Doktor Professor I. B . MitSchiesseVerstopft >>
Now, I resemble this remark but it is the mostestest of obviousesses that  
you do not have any understandings of the true meanings of my name and if you  
had had the havings of any trainings in gymnasium or even school of Forensical  
Geneologicals, you would understand that my name is far from proper though it 
 is somewhat German and so it is the mostestest of simples, as my first  
ancestor was born at a very early age, long, long ago when the world had less  
people and they took only one name, usually from what was all around them, or  
what they did, or something easy to remember or whatever so if someone  was 
in the forest, they might take the name Baum or if in England, Tree,  or if 
near the stream, Bach or Brooks, or if on a moonless night, Schwarz  or Black, 
so you see, for my ancestor is was no problem to assume the  name Scheist due 
to birth place and then what happened is that  later, by marriage, the preface 
"mit" was added meaning "with" since there  were two and then, when they 
finally decided to consumate their marriage,  my ancestral grand mother kept 
yelling "Gestopft, GESTOPFT" (which  you also see in the works of Gustav 
especially in the horn parts) and  so that got added as it is the mostestest of 
cherisheded of traditions in my  homeland to keeping adding stuff up until you 
get it right but, you are  correct in that I am a man, but you are having the 
mostestest of  errorifications in stating the later as I am not a Doctor, nor 
do I play one  on TV and, I am not I. B. but I. M. which stands for Ignaz 
Manfred and I have  no idea how I got those names as my Mother, Helga 
Schwarzherzschlutt  Gestopftmitscheist was very, VERY, friendly with the many 
horn  virtuosi who came to her house in my hometown of 
Bad Lippstadt,  to save their meager per diem on tour so I think my name 
should have  been Franz Oscar or Oscar Franz or maybe Georg Kopprasch or Henri 
Kling or  Friedrich Gumpert Gestopftmitscheist.

<< One of my grandfathers grew up in northern Pennsylvania,  where there 
were a lot of Ahmisch "Pennsylvania Dutch", and always got a  kick out of 
German word order. His favorite example was "Hey Heinrich,  throw the cow 
over the fence some hay!">>
Now, I do have some familiarities with Penn's Woods as when I lived all  
those years in Exit 2, New Jersey I was nearby and went to Philadelphia now  
then for hockey games and cheesesteaks and the Exit 2 diner actually had  some 
Amish food on the menu and I always enjoyed the scrapple, pretzels, and  "Shoe 
Fly Cow Pie" which if you ate too much, would put you "over the  fence" and 
once I dated an Amish girl and she was very nice but she drove  me buggy after 
a while so we broke up.
Kindestest of Greetonings and Mostestest of Humblementations,
Prof. I. M.  Gestopftmitscheist
Principal 8th horn and Principal 4th Wagner Tuber,  Schplittenotendorf am 
Oedland Staatsoper und Philharmoniker, (ret.)
Solo  Horn, Bad Corner Brass Quintet
Hornist, Broken Winds WW  Quintet
Solo 4th Horn (Leader, call me for bookings), Smirnoff Horn  Quartet
Assistant Associate Principal Mellophone, NJ Turnpike Authority  Drum and 
Bugle Corps, "The Phantom Lane Changers" (summer only)
Hornist as  Needed, L'Ensemble du Chambre des Palourdes
Principal Natural Horn, I  Soloisti di Feces
Principal Baroque and Hunting Horn, Camarata  Vongoleforte
World's  Leading Hand Horn Soloist Who Brought the Instrument into the  20th 
Century (buy my CD of the Hindemith Sonata, Gliere  Concerto, and the Davies 
Sea Eagle on the F crook)
Adjunct, Part-time,  Arms-length Professor of Horn and Pest Control, Exit 2 
Community College, Exit  2, NJ (Ret.)
Adjunct, Part-time, Arms-length Professor of Horn, Pest  Control and Home 
Petroleum Studies, Northern New Hampshire Technical  Institute, Bad Corner, NH
Author, "The Kopprasch Connection," "Kopprasch  for Fun and Profit," 
"Kopprasch for the New Millenium: Where Do you Fit In?"  "Hooked on Hornonics," 
If Saddam Had Given Ouday and Qusay Olds  Ambassador or Conn Pan American 
Single F Horns and a Kopprasch Book Instead of  AK 47's, Booze and Porn?" and 
DaVinci Clam: Was Kopprasch Possibly God's  Other Son?"
Founder,  Director and CEO, Universal Institute for the Study, Preservation 
and  Dissemination of Kopprasch Throughout the Solar System
Founder and Guru  Extraordinaire, Hornaholics Anonymous
Grand Poobah of the Koppraschian  Kult
Director and Program Manager, The All Kopprasch Channel (AKC),  Kopprasch 
Public Radio (KPR)
Host of The Kopprasch Factor on AKC and All  Kopprasch Considered on KPR
Founder of Kopprasch Depot, your one stop shop  for all you need!
Owner-Operator, Bad Corner Petroleum Laboratory, "The  Worlds Largest Valve 
Oil Factory"
Founder and Disseminator of CLAMSAA, the  Universal Holiday for Horn Players
Interplanetarily Known Soloist and  Artist of Record
Exclusive Amborg, Bundy, Carl Fischer, Olds  Ambassador, Sansone and Conn 
Artist Who Does Not Get His Horns For  Free
Phone: yes
Fax: yes
Web Site: sort of
E-mail: yes
"The Kopprasch line is pure."

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